Our Systems
The Advantages of TerraPura Light Weight Steel Building Systems
The TerraPura manufacturing and construction process of light gauge steel structures creates the opportunity for light weight walls systems to be built quickly and efficiently.
Why TerraPura Housing Systems?
- We manufacturing components in our own factory, specified to order
- Your building weatherproof in weeks, not months
- Less intrusive, quicker and more cost effective groundworks
- Finished systems are brought onto site, leading to little to no onsite waste
- Less onsite construction means less noise to neighbours
- Having control over the supply of building materials gives us the ability to start your projects within days of Agreement
- Our technology allows for upgrades to Passive House standards (see our projects page)
Construction Site Coordination
Onsite construction teams closely liaise with the manufacturing facility in Newhaven, ensuring efficient delivery and a reduced need for costly and secure site storage. Deliveries are closely coordinated, without the challenges associated with third party building materials and delivery companies. As the frames are lightweight, unloading is quick and efficient compared to wet trade materials such as sand, cement, bricks or blocks.
Light Weight Steel Frames V. Timber Frames
- No additional fire load
- No long term shrinkage or movement
- Durable and resistant to damage
- Risks of bent or twisted lengths eliminated